Connect with the CALM within
Being Present with whatever arises moment-to-moment-to-moment, with open and appreciative receptivity.
Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose to moment-to-moment awareness in a non-judgmental way, as defined by Jon Kabat-Zinn (2013). Mindfulness is a way of being – a personal and regular practice of being in the awareness of the present moment to enhance our well-being. It is a gentle practice that invites curiosity and self-compassion towards attending to our own body and observing the nature of the mind, which is usually responsible for much of our emotional pain and suffering. This allows us the power of choice, rather than being on auto-pilot and making the same choices while having different intentions.
Mindfulness also trains the mind to work with distractions and focus better, and allows us to gain clarity of the cause of our problems. It helps us develop greater acceptance towards challenges, change our relationship to stress, and increase positive emotions.
More and more research are being done on mindfulness, with some suggesting that mindfulness, when practiced regularly, changes the brain over time by increasing the density of gray matter in brain areas associated with memory and learning, emotional regulation and empathy.
Grateful to team up with Bodhi Tree Sangha
Manage Stress Mindfully
4 Week Mindfulness group
Zoom on Sundays 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Nov. 13, 20, 27, Dec. 4
Learn to:
Use breathing as your anchor
Harness the intelligence & language of your body to manage your thoughts & emotions.
Use Neuroscience to manage stress
Pause to regain your control.
Practice sleep hygiene
Relax and cultivate self-compassion and joy